Live Net TV APK v4.9 for Android (100% working, Latest version)

Explore movies, sports, news, documentaries, cooking, music, religious, and kids entertainment with LiveNetTV. The APK offers free access to 800+ live TV channels in 9 major categories. This is a free-of-cost streaming service that simplifies user experience instantly. Enjoy ultimate entertainment with unlimited features and enhanced performance of Live Net TV. More best alternative apps to Live NetTV include: Oreo TV, BeeTV, and Smartcric.

Name LiveNet TV
Version v4.9
Latest Updates2 Hours ago
Requirements4.1 & above
Category Entertainment

Significant Features of LiveNetTV APK

  1. Unlimited Live TV Channels: Watch 800+ live TV channels to ensure non-stop entertainment. Its extensive library of content offers unlimited movies, TV shows, news, and sports to cater to all fun needs.
  2. Easy Personalization: Create a list of your favourite channels to customize your live TV streaming. This enhances user experience without charging a subscription cost.
  3. Smart Notifications: Set notification to a new channel. This will notify on the fly of user requests. This is one of the personalized features of the Live Net TV App.
  4. Time-Efficient: The best and quickest way to save time and data charges without a subscription or signing up. This is a time-efficient feature for ultimate fun.
  5. Support External Player: Its built-in media player supports popular external players seamlessly. This includes Android Player, MX Player, XMTV Player, VLC Player, and others.
  6. Chromecast Support: Link live channels to your Smart TV by using its LocalCast, Bubble UPnP, or WbeVideoCast Player. This lets you explore your favorite content on a bigger display.
  7. Channel Request: Inside the app, you can easily request to add a desired or specific live TV channel. This is one of the customizable features of Live Net TV APK.
  8. Frequent Updates: Regular updates make it an up-to-date streaming app with the latest content. This is an interactive functionality to engage the audience. However, developers added new channels and links regularly.
  9. Multi-Device Support: The app is widely compatible with various devices. This includes smartphones, tablets, computers, FireStick, Roku, and Android TV boxes.

How to Download and Install LiveNetTV APK 2024?

Follow these steps to install LiveNetTV APK Download on your Android device:

  • First, ensure you are going to install the LiveNetTV v4.9 Latest Version.
  • Press the given ‘Download’ pop-up and start the process.
  • Check the downloading status from the Notification bar, and install the app.
  • The default settings of some Android phones ask to enable ‘Unknown Sources’ to launch the app.
  • Grant them the necessary permissions and complete the installation.


How to Install the LiveNetTV App on FireStick?

Navigate to Locations > Device > Developer Options > Apps from Unknown Source to install the APK. 

Is LiveNetTV Safe to Download?

Yes, downloading the APK file from a trusted source is safe to use.

Can I Use LiveNetTV on My Smart TV or PC?

Yes, this is a compatible PAK with many devices. Using an Emulator and Chromecast, you can run the app on a Computer and a Smart TV respectively.

How to Update LiveNetTV?

First, uninstall the older APK on your device. Now, reinstall the app with the latest version. 


LiveNetTV PC is a perfect solution for absolute streaming. This free application is loaded with essential features for nonstop entertainment. Live Net TV APK Download is a go-to choice for all fun enthusiasts because of its improved performance. 

About the Author

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iT Hush

iT Hush is an outclass and authentic author that has a great web development contribution and approach. He has some great skills that bring it to this field and earned popularity in the Web World. It became a maestro in web development and provided all of its audience with a trusted platform. iT Hush started as a simple website maintainer with some basic knowledge about coding concerning Dedication and authority it soon became a huge name. It developed his name to be prominent in the web development world industry. All this brings him to increase his interest in learning about various programming languages and frameworks. He has an excellent talent for managing all these tasks at once and was born as a cyber legend. His creativity of designing high-value and Visually Impressive websites indicates his great knowledge of web development. Hush is working on web development techniques and has the power to bring innovation and ensure the privacy and security of all its users.   On our online platform Pikashow you can find the best online entertainment platform. Where you can watch almost all kinds of movies and serials with the best video quality. There you can find almost all kinds of genres and sub-genres including Bollywood, Hollywood movies, and serials. Also covers many other series from Netflix, Amazon, and HBO. You can find many movies in dubbing including subtitles in various languages. On this platform, you can get the latest version of Pikashow APK which is a great entertainment source. You can also get all its premium features free without any subscription. Make your weekend special with us by downloading this out-class entertainment application. So you can watch all of your favorite series or TV Shows for free.

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